This is the first poem I'd ever written. My pastor had just given a lesson on the subject creation and I felt inspired to write this. It was my first taste of poetry and I've been hooked ever since! I believe my talent has grown much since this poem but I wouldn't want to forget where I began.....
In the Beginning
by Kesheena LeVasseur
In the beginning
When God created His Son
He said “ Let's make a world”
Let it revolve around the Son
So in the beginning
A world was made
The word of God tells us
It took Him six days
In the beginning
God made Adam and Eve
Out of the dust of the earth
And into them life He breathed
In the beginning
God created a tree,
Outside of the garden,
Of which he told them not to eat
In the beginning
A choice Adam made
To disobey God
And go his own way
And in the beginning
Out of Eden they were sent
And because of their sin
Back to the dust they went
Even now today
The choice we must make
To live in the garden
Or walk out the gates
But be careful child of God
For the chances are few
That you'll find your way back
So be watch what you do
And if this you doubt
Then you just start reading
Because it happened before
... In the beginning
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