So recently I've tried my hand at something a little different. Sometimes my poems go so long because I'm trying to tell a story or give a lesson. So I thought why not just write a story and make it rhyme along the way. So here is my first attempt. Please leave me any feedback. I want to hear from you!!
For Each A Jewel
Listen closely child and I’ll tell you a little tale. It’s about two princesses; two very different girls. The lived their lives as normal girls would. Their lives were very good. Not much in common did they have… except for wearing crowns, as any princess should. The first princess was a beauty, though this tale is not of looks. It’s not your ordinary tale I’m weaving. You won’t find this in other books. Princess 1, as we will call her, was a happy girl indeed. And who wouldn’t be if you had a crown like hers, complains Princess B. Oh what a crown had Princess 1. An extravagant affair. And in the center was the prettiest jewel a princess could ever wear. Princess B’s crown was also pretty, shining gold, jewels reflecting the light. She was content with the crown she had until one fateful night.
A princess polishes her crown each evening before bed. So that each morning when she wakes, a shining crown can be placed on her head. Princess B was oh so diligent in this nightly ritual. But this night as she polished her crown, she noticed her jewels did wiggle. Alarmed, she called the royal jeweler and after his close inspection. It was as she feared, the jewels she wore were not real but a cruel deception. Still a crown she must wear for she was the castle heir. So a jewel void crown was placed in her hair.
Now Princess 1, in her kingdom not too far away, was performing the same ritual. But tonight for her was different too, though her actions were habitual. Her crown polished, she admired it. Though a nagging thought disturbed her. She wasn’t quite sure how she felt about the jewel in the center.
So she removed the jewel and set it aside. She’d wear her crown without the diamond until she could decide.
Princess B could not believe it when the news she was told. She had false jewels and Princess 1 had so many real ones. Yet she removed the priceless one. Princess B created a plan; but could she be so bold? She thought she'd just "borrow" the jewel that had been forsaken. And Princess 1 in her undecided state wouldn't notice soon that the jewel had been taken.
So Princess B took the jewel and placed it in her crown. Oh how beautiful it looked on her, how it accented her gown. She took such care of the diamond. Polishing it each night. And over time you could tell its glow had surely brightened. If jewels had feelings, I can hear what it would say. It would probably go on and on about how it had never felt this way.
So needed and desired now the jewel would be ecstatic. Loved and taken care of the gem continued to glow. If it was possible for diamonds to grow. It would be huge I know.
But it her realm, Princess 1 now knew her jewel was missing. She’d been sitting in the garden when she started reminiscing. All the times she'd worn her crown, the jewel was always there. It never left it's place up there, even tho she didn't care. Overwhelmed with need to again wear her jewel, she rushed up to her room. But upon sitting on her vanity stool, her countenance was filled with gloom. Had indecision cost her the diamond forever? She hoped to find it..wherever.
Now don’t be harsh on Princess B, you see she meant no hurt. She simply wanted to posses one jewel that had real worth. She never meant to cause Princess 1 any harm. “I’ve made an awful mistake,” she thought now with alarm. Princess B was always one to seek anothers good. Tis why her crown was filled with fakes, she’d believe when no one else would. Now empty holes lined her crown except for the diamond center. A jewel she’d come to love so much the thought of parting with it nearly destroyed her. But returning the jewel was a must. It was the right thing to do. She’d have to go back to being content with the jewels she had tho they were few. So she sent her men to return the diamond and she watched from the window in silence.
When Princess 1 received the lost jewel, she was beside herself with joy. She even had the heart to forgive Princess B’s little ploy. Realizing now the worth of her jewel, she handled it with care. And the glow of it matched the smile that she now wore everywhere.
Back in her room, Princess B was surprised at how she felt. Though she’d lost her diamond, Princess 1’s gladness did her heart melt. Tis when she noticed a gleaming from the crown she’d cast aside. A small jewel was sparkling off to one side. T’was then she realized that it wasn’t jewels that really mattered. It was what she did for others that made her feel better. So maybe a priceless jewel was not centered on her crown. But seeing the smile Princess 1 wore was the biggest jewel she’d found.
Now that my tale you've heard. I hope the lesson you did learn. For it was a gem I gave to you. One you didn't have to earn. Wisdom I've imparted here. Listen closely dear. More blessed to give than to receive it is. And envy is never right. But if you know where the right focus is. Your life will be alright.
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