Last night my pastor spoke on Proverbs 1:22-33. The words really pierced my heart. I realize that I have neglected the ways of the Lord for a season and have embraced my foolishness. This is basically my response to the message. It moved me greatly. I have been chastised and I long to correct this situation. Will I continue to love foolishness And the greatest opportunity miss? How long will I ignore His calling? Unaware that into destruction I am falling Lord, please do not forsake me! Laugh not at my calamity. I recognize my simplicity Oh please have mercy on me. I dont want to die on the vine Seeking not your will but mine Refusing to be healed by your touch I need your guidance oh so much A foolish virgin filled with regret Locked outside for the qualifications I'd not met With a little nap and folded hands I removed myself from your plan Oh Lord, I hope it's not too late For you my part to reinstate My God I ask, when you pass by Please hearken unto my...