When I look back on my road of life
And consider where I've been
I simply sit and shake my head
On my face a little grin
There where days when I thought I'd quit
This pathway seemed to steep
I'd try to take a detour
Forgetting this path was paved for my feet
Each stepping stone was wisely placed
By the architect and builder
Nothing in my path was placed
To throw my life off kilter
Each step was carefully measured
He already knew my stride size
He knew when I would stop and sit
And where I needed shade to shield my eyes
Handholds were strategically planned
Each the perfect size of my hand
My every need was covered in His plan
Such was the wisdom of this great man
Sometimes when I felt alone
A friends path He'd cross with mine
So the encouragement they shared
Was given by His ultimate design
There were moments I do admit
I thought this path was wrong
I figured I could find my way
This road was just too long
So a different way I'd try to go
Not knowing how easy I'd had it
If opportunity came to try a friends path
Without hesitation I would grab it
But their path was not made for me
We each have our own size
All too soon I'd miss a step
Fall and begin to cry
Gently He would carry me
Back to my specially designed road
He'd nurse my wounds
And walk alongside me
Carrying most of my load
So you see when I look back on my path
I'm glad it's a one way street
For there were areas I'd not go again
I remember the blisters on my feet
But if you asked me what would I change
If I could would I go a different way
I'd say no the path that I trod
Made me who I am today
And frankly im in a relationship
With a designer who is really sweet
He took the time to build my path
Perfect to the size of my feet.
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