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Showing posts from November, 2014

Jehovah Jireh

Jehovah jireh, God will provide Words so easily spoken until faith is tried Who doesn’t believe that Elohim, King of kings Is able to do great and powerful things? When a river flows in the desert Ten thousand sing His praises Yet the sound of their voices change When again the drought again rages El Shaddai has left us! He’s a God of sudden whims! They shout, Curse God and die! Just as Job’s wife once counseled him. Shall we accept good from God and not trouble? The simple question Job asked Your reaction is foolish, woman Through calamity can you not stand fast? The Lord giveth and He taketh away; May the name of the Lord be praised. Naked I will leave this earth some day For it was naked that I came All that we have and treasure Was not acquired by our strength alone Even the children of our wombs Were given to us on loan All that we have belongs to Him To do with as He see fit Rest assured it is not some whim But a...

Remember Lot's Wife

Remember Lot’s wife Luke 17:32 says When saved out of sin she turned back instead She longed for the life from which she’d been freed For the things she’d left in her heart she grieved So she disobeyed the Lord’s command To never look back to that evil land She was weak so she took a chance And lost her life in that one little glance The Lord told the rest of the family to leave the plain He tried to save them from inevitable pain But they too struggled with leaving the city So it seemed the Lord on them had pity To a nearby place by an angel they were led Realizing too late they should’ve obeyed God instead So many times God saves us from destruction And we still fail to heed His exact instructions It’s not enough to partially obey It’s not for us to choose what’s okay It’s simply our job to do as we’re told It’s the only way we’ll come forth as pure gold How can we look back after the glory...